Lake Shipp Elementary School - Winter Haven, Florida - Elementary School

Lake Shipp Elementary School

Grades Taught/District Info
Lowest Grade Taught: Prekindergarten
Highest Grade Taught: 5th Grade
  Florida Elementary Schools
School District: Polk County School District
County: Polk
Male/Female Population
Male Female Total
332 282 614
Students by Race
Race Count %
American Indian - Alaskan 0 -
Asian - Pacific Islander 8 1.30
Black 165 26.87
Hispanic 75 12.21
White 366 59.61
Student by Grade Count
Lake Shipp Elementary School Reviews

From: Sylvia Moore | submitted: Apr 12, 2014
My own opinion, they need to learn better strategies how to deal with ESE children... They are still children. Not harden criminals, funny how anywhere else these and other children go there is no problem, except at school,so if your child has ADHD or anything that may interfere with his/her learning, go somewhere else that can better deal, ;) It's easier on the child and all the way around... Why deal with where they can't, Life is too short, and they grow up to quickly to be "labeled" in the wrong learning facility... Thank you for letting me say my opinion!

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